Disease Control
The best way to prevent disease is to keep your lawn healthy through proper watering, mowing at the correct height and regular fertilization. Despite your best efforts, however, disease can find a way to creep into your lawn in the form of brown patches and circles.
Even the healthiest looking lawns can fall prey to a variety of turf diseases. Although certain kinds of grass are more susceptible to lawn diseases that others, most plant diseases are caused by fungi, which can spread by air, water, and animals. Factors such as humidity and cold weather can create breeding grounds for fungi growth.
While no one like to discover that their lawn is suffering from disease, it's important to catch the warning signs early to keep it from spreading.

"Why does my lawn have disease?"
A common question and one that can be difficult to explain. There are hundreds of disease spores in your lawn at any given time, but most are harmless or can even be beneficial to the health of your lawn. The few that are harmful can spread quickly and damage sections of a lawn.
In order for a disease to become active, it has to has to have the right environment. There are diseases that can grow in just about every weather condition. Cool weather disease includes snow mold and leaf spot. Warm weather diseases include red thread and dollar spot. Hot weather includes include brown patch, summer patch and necrotic ring spot. Many diseases can be controlled by adjusting cultural practices like mowing higher or changing watering amounts of times. Other diseases require a control application to prevent development or stop its current growth.